Saturday, October 16, 2010

You say tomato and I say...

To hell with tomatoes!  Let's go pumpkin picking.

"I fmell the purple flowers."
"Fometimes the flowers make me fneeze.  Achoo!"
Actress Mia takes a break to really smell the flowers.

Emma takes center stage.
Mia's perfect pumpkin.
"This one is TOO heaby.  I can't carry it!"
"I like white and orange."
Great colors to love this time of year- 
Sisters Searching
Emma finds her carvin' pumpkin.
"How's my hair?"

Mommy's favorite pumpkin...
This one has a crack in its butt... according to Mia.

Are you looking at me, pumpkin?

Hope you pick yourselves a perfect pumpkin, too!

1 comment:

Aplus3 said...

Did you go to Wood's Orchard? I have to take the kiddos to get their punkins, too! I love it! And those Pagano girls...can't wait to show the wee Marstons these pics! Happy carvin', ladies! PS Great pics...looks like you are mastering your spaceship UFO camera quite well...