Saturday, January 24, 2009

Minor Adjustments

So!  A few things have changed since our last post.  
To start with, Tom is at Camp Victory in Iraq.  He is working with the Army as an ALO, a job that he further describes in his first newsletter, and hopes to be home sometime in mid-May.  This was a rather short-notice deployment but we were still able to enjoy some time in Colorado together for Christmas.  Tom had to leave a few days before us girls in order to catch his sweet ol' military flight to Iraq, but we gals made it back alright on our own!  Until May (or whenever he returns), look for his crazy newsletters and feel free to send him communication either by email or through the good old USPS.  (contact me if you need his info)

If there is a silver lining to this deployment, it is that we were able to use the Soldiers and Sailors' Act to get out of the lease with our CRAZY, horrible landlords in Poquoson.  The house was packed up before we left for Christmas vacation and upon our return from Colorado, Tom's office moved all of our stuff to our new place in Yorktown.  We are SO VERY grateful to be out of that stressful situation and into a seemingly normal house with a seemingly normal landlord.

Here's a little recap of the last 3 months!

Back in November, we loaded up the car and headed down to Shaw AFB where Tom was able to do some flying.  We had a blast and were hosted by the incredibly generous Phillips, who even let us bring Shorty along as we invaded their quiet house for 10 days.
After describing in great detail to Mary Ann how funny Tom thought all those hillbillies were who we'd seen driving their home-painted camo trucks down the highway, Cooter rolled home in this Beauty.  I just clapped real slow and nodded.
Emma spent many hours trying to gather up all the straw the Phillips had spread over their yard in hopes of cultivating some grass.
Emma loved how Cooter started a big fire in his own backyard (using gasoline from a big red can to start it) and then pulled up some lawn furniture and roasted marshmallows.  
Mia loved snuggling up to Mary Ann!  
Along with the camo truck, backyard marshmallow roast/stump burning, and hound dogs, Tom was treated to a bow hunting exposition as well.  
Emma was a huge fan of this country livin'.
Ah ha!  Cooter is NOT allergic to babies!  Looks good on ya, Cooter.
T and the gals swing in the hammock.
Mia loved feeding the critters at the local nursery.  That deer better watch its ass around there.  
We were happy to meet up with our pals from Korea, the Russells!  Emma and Audrey were able to feed the ducks, but ate way more bread than they distributed.  Seriously.
Getting 3 girls to pay attention to the camera proved impossible.  
Cooter and Mary Ann took us all out for an awesome pontoon boat ride!  This was a first for Emma and Mia- but they took to it straight away.  Mia would like to have been able to bend at the waist, but her life jacket would just not allow it.
If she could have moved her arms, I bet she would have ripped off that hat and sunglasses.
Cooter was catching fish left and right- Emma even got close enough to touch one of them.  
Here's Emma driving the boat.  This was her very favorite thing about the day.  
Cooter and Mary Ann stuck around for a couple of hours after our boat ride in an effort to drown every single worm they'd bought.  They succeeded in the drowning worms, but the fish would not be caught.
Back at home, we quickly got back to life as usual (note the beer).  Here's a profile shot of our Mia.  She is a lady of substance.  At 8 months old, she is wearing 12-18 month clothes and size 4 diapers, which are quickly becoming too small.  She is awesome!
Check out this smile!  It's her first day with a tooth.  I know, you can't see it, but it is in there.
No more Baby Bjorn for me.  Mia is now sitting up in the carts at the grocery store.  In case you were wondering, yes that IS my grocery cart loaded up with beef jerky in the background.
Showing off her little tooth.
This is one happy baby!  She seems to be smiling all of the time.
Mia has added standing to her list of accomplishments.
Santa delivered this rockin' pink electric guitar to Emma.  

While on Christmas vacation, Mia discovered her love of teething biscuits.  And I discovered how difficult it is to scrub them off of her and the highchair.
Tom took Emma skiing for the first time!  She loved it, even the falling down parts.
She needs a chrome helmet like her dad's.
Here's Mia on our trip home.  I was a little unsure of how the three of us would do, but the gals were great!  
Giving Emma a lollypop didn't hurt, either.
Here's a nice shot of Mia's two little teeth.
Her morning hair is fantastic.
"You bang on it like this, Mia".
Emma loves her karaoke machine.
If you're happy and you know it jump real high!
Emma rocks the mic!
Mia refused all baby foods- but eats great when I give her toddler-sized bites.
What Prince could resist that smile?
Rocking out is even more fun with friends.

Emma acts as the Damsel in Distress as her pal Braden keeps the home fires burnin'.