Monday, October 19, 2009


These past few weeks have been tough for us, and for all those in the F-16 community.
We've said goodbye to 2 beautiful moms and fellow F-16 pilot. Left behind are 3 spouses, 5 children, and countless friends and family who are struggling to deal with the enormous loss we all feel.

Sara Sullivan is one of those gone MUCH too soon, and has become a major source of inspiration for countless people. Sara had breast cancer, and died at age 28 after having a baby just 2 weeks prior.

In honor of Sara, Jen went in on Saturday and got a haircut! The new do has lightened her heart a bit, too.
The ponytail was donated to Pantene's Great Lengths Program. They work together with the American Cancer Society to provide wigs to women with cancer.

For any of you who'd like to check out Sara's story, click here

We are certainly holding each other a little tighter these days, and hope you will take the chance to love the ones you're with as well!

We love you all.

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