Thursday, December 16, 2010

We've Moved!

We have moved!
Please click HERE if you are not automatically redirected to our new blogspot home!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Eye (Phone) Witness

Get it?  It's like Eye Witness but with some clever, witty, awesomeness added.

We have our first real snowy day here in Virginia.  Mia and I braved the cold with our I Phone and here are some of our pictures!

Mia's First Taste of Snow this Season

She LOVES Jumping in Puddles!

Our Teensy Weensy Snowman

Mia is smashing Teensy!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Beginning to look a lot like Crimass

Daddio was in town for Thanksgiving weekend, so we took the opportunity to set up the ol' fake tree!
I lobbied for a real one this year, but was outvoted. 
Time for Emma to learn how to kick in with the tree set up

Ballerina Mia drags the ladder in to "help"
You are cute when you're helping!

The oldest child (excluding Tom) gets to hang the first ornament of the year.
Emma chose a cute little gingerbread house ornament. 
Mia was quick to get in on the game
Mia with the rarely-seen Mommy

She did it!
Right after this, she dropped and broke 3 ornaments.
Whatever!  She was loving it.
Now for the tree topper!  The youngest child gets this job.

Well done, Mia!!!
Hope your decoratin' is just as fun!

Make like a tree and leaf

Here's some photos of the girls romping through the leafy backyard.


Off to more adventure!